An 8-week Bible study on Psalm 27 for those who desire to be encouraged and spurred on in their pursuit of the Lord.
Journey through Psalm 27 in Encamp: A Field Guide to a Relentless Pursuit of Jesus, by Jennifer Edewaard. Readers will explore, dig deep, and pray through Psalm 27 as they study the life of King David and his pursuit of God in the midst of rugged terrain. David shows us the hope we have in God when we live in Christ, seek his truth, and stand in his glory. The world would have us believe the wilderness to be a desolate and hopeless place, but God richly grants his presence there.
Encamp is a word-for-word expository study through Psalm 27. The goal of this study is to understand and determine the biblical meaning of each verse and let Scripture interpret Scripture. Readers will be guided verse by verse and word by word through the text and invited to soak in it, listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying. Each week features field notes to help you consider what you’ve learned about God through David’s writings and how it relates to living in Christ, seeking his truth, and standing in his glory. Field notes will break down the reading for each week, dissecting the words and phrases in the verses. Each week also includes space to reflect and pray.
Each part of your trek matters, and this book will point you to Jesus each step of the way. Our journeys may look different, and some parts will be harder than others, but remember this: we are seeking the heart of God and growth in the knowledge and fullness of God, and he will carry us to the end as we encamp with him.